Ep. 12 – New Leadership for a Radically Changing Automotive Environment
“Talk to an expert”, our new live monthly series where you have the chance to engage with an expert from the automotive industry, specialised in software. We’re starting off our episode this month about Implementation challenges of machine learning algorithms for BMS.
This talk is a SPECIAL EDITION to finish off 2022! We will discuss new leadership challenges in the time of radical change in automotive, with our CEO Umut Genç and Board Advisor Dr.-Ing. Marko Dekena! Join us live on the 22nd of December for this exciting conversation!
Our expert guest, Dr.-Ing. Marko Dekena, is the Executive Vice President of INNIO Group and previously Executive Vice President of AVL. Together with Umut Genç, they will discuss how modern leadership is a success factor of digital Tech-companies in a radically changing automotive environment