Ep. 2 – How to Deploy Robust AI Software for Serial Automotive Applications

“Talk to an expert”, our new live monthly series where you have the chance to engage with an expert from the automotive industry, specialised in software. We’re starting off our episode this month about AI implementation in automotive serial production.

Are you currently applying AI to Smart Motion Control and Battery Management Systems, or have a great passion for AI? Then you’ll enjoy listening to our second episode of Talk to an expert! 🎤🤖

Prof. Nazim Kemal Ure, Director of AI (Artificial Intelligence) & ML (Machine Learning) at Eatron Technologies and Vice Dean of research at ITU (Istanbul Technical University), is talking about:
– AI-Powered Motion Control for Improved Safety and Comfort
– AI-Powered Battery Management for Improved Life Estimation & Diagnostics
– Performance Verification and Deploying Safe & Robust AI systems in Real Life.

Kemal’s specialties in AI are deep learning and data-driven optimization. His Autonomous Systems specialties are multi-agent planning and learning, swarm Intelligence guidance, navigation and control: Fighter Aircraft, Missile Systems & Spacecraft Control. 🚀


Interested in why a standard Battery Management System is no longer enough? Tune in to our previous episode!